Class ResourceTracker


public class ResourceTracker
extends java.lang.Object

This class tracks the downloading of various resources of a JNLP file to local files in the cache. It can be used to download icons, jnlp and extension files, jars, and jardiff files using the version based protocol or any file using the basic download protocol (jardiff and version not implemented yet).

The resource tracker can be configured to prefetch resources, which are downloaded in the order added to the media tracker.

Multiple threads are used to download and cache resources that are actively being waited for (blocking a caller) or those that have been started downloading by calling the startDownload method. Resources that are prefetched are downloaded one at a time and only if no other trackers have requested downloads. This allows the tracker to start downloading many items without using many system resources, but still quickly download items as needed.

$Revision: 1.17 $
Jon A. Maxwell (JAM) - initial author

Constructor Summary
          Creates a resource tracker that does not prefetch resources.
ResourceTracker(boolean prefetch)
          Creates a resource tracker.
Method Summary
 void addDownloadListener(DownloadListener listener)
          Adds the listener to the list of objects interested in receivind DownloadEvents.
 void addResource( location, Version version, UpdatePolicy updatePolicy)
          Add a resource identified by the specified location and version.
 boolean checkResource( location)
          Returns whether a resource is available for use (ie, can be accessed with the getLocalFile method).
protected  void fireDownloadEvent(Resource resource)
          Fires the download event corresponding to the resource's state.
 long getAmountRead( location)
          Returns the number of bytes downloaded for a resource. getInputStream( location)
          Returns an input stream that reads the contents of the resource. getLocalFile( location)
          Returns the file containing the downloaded resource, or null if the resource could not be downloaded to a local file (was not a cacheable resource).
 long getTotalSize( location)
          Returns the number of total size in bytes of a resource, or -1 it the size is not known.
 void removeDownloadListener(DownloadListener listener)
          Removes a download listener.
 void removeResource( location)
          Removes a resource from the tracker.
 boolean startResource( location)
          Starts loading the resource if it is not already being downloaded or already cached.
protected  void startThread()
          Start a new download thread if there are not too many threads already running.
 boolean waitForResource( location, long timeout)
          Wait for a particular resource to be downloaded and made available.
 boolean waitForResources([] urls, long timeout)
          Wait for a group of resources to be downloaded and made available locally.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ResourceTracker()
Creates a resource tracker that does not prefetch resources.


public ResourceTracker(boolean prefetch)
Creates a resource tracker.
prefetch - whether to download resources before requested.
Method Detail


public void addResource( location,
                        Version version,
                        UpdatePolicy updatePolicy)
Add a resource identified by the specified location and version. The tracker only downloads one version of a given resource per instance (ie cannot download both versions 1 and 2 of a resource in the same tracker).
location - the location of the resource
version - the resource version
updatePolicy - whether to check for updates if already in cache


public void removeResource( location)
Removes a resource from the tracker. This method is useful to allow memory to be reclaimed, but calling this method is not required as resources are reclaimed when the tracker is collected.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is not being tracked


public void addDownloadListener(DownloadListener listener)
Adds the listener to the list of objects interested in receivind DownloadEvents.

location - the resource to add a callback for
runnable - the runnable to call when resource is completed


public void removeDownloadListener(DownloadListener listener)
Removes a download listener.


protected void fireDownloadEvent(Resource resource)
Fires the download event corresponding to the resource's state. This method is typicall called by the Resource itself on each tracker that is monitoring the resource. Do not call this method with any locks because the listeners may call back to this ResourceTracker.


public getLocalFile( location)
Returns the file containing the downloaded resource, or null if the resource could not be downloaded to a local file (was not a cacheable resource).

If the resource has not downloaded yet, the method will block until it has been transferred to the cache.

location - the source location to get the local file for
the resource, or null if it could not be downloaded
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is not being tracked


public getInputStream( location)
Returns an input stream that reads the contents of the resource. For non-cacheable resources, an InputStream that reads from the source location is returned. Otherwise the InputStream reads the cached resource.

This method will block while the resource is downloaded to the cache.

Throws: - if there was an error opening the stream
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is not being tracked


public boolean waitForResources([] urls,
                                long timeout)
                         throws java.lang.InterruptedException
Wait for a group of resources to be downloaded and made available locally.
whether the resources downloaded before the timeout
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is not being tracked


public boolean waitForResource( location,
                               long timeout)
                        throws java.lang.InterruptedException
Wait for a particular resource to be downloaded and made available.
location - the resource to wait for
timeout - the timeout, or 0 to wait until completed
whether the resource downloaded before the timeout
java.lang.InterruptedException - if another thread interrupted the wait
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is not being tracked


public long getAmountRead( location)
Returns the number of bytes downloaded for a resource.
location - the resource location
the number of bytes transferred
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is not being tracked


public boolean checkResource( location)
Returns whether a resource is available for use (ie, can be accessed with the getLocalFile method).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is not being tracked


public boolean startResource( location)
Starts loading the resource if it is not already being downloaded or already cached. Resources started downloading using this method may download faster than those prefetched by the tracker because the tracker will only prefetch one resource at a time to conserve system resources.
true if the resource is already downloaded (or an error occurred)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is not being tracked


public long getTotalSize( location)
Returns the number of total size in bytes of a resource, or -1 it the size is not known.
location - the resource location
the number of bytes, or -1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the resource is not being tracked


protected void startThread()
Start a new download thread if there are not too many threads already running.

Calls to this method should be synchronized on lock.